As winter takes hold, many households face the challenge of keeping warm while managing rising energy costs.
Our Local Energy Advice Partnership (LEAP) is here to help you stay warm, reduce your bills, and protect your home during the coldest months.
Our Local Energy Advice Partnership offers: Free Home Energy Assessments* from an experienced energy advisor, who can provide a comprehensive home energy check-up, as well as helping you understand your energy use, identify potential savings, and discover ways to keep your home warm and efficient.
They can offer you targeted support for you household: Whether you are struggling with high energy bills, or seeking practical ways to stay warm, our partnership offers personalised guidance tailored to your specific needs.
*Eligibility criteria apply
We recently received this fantastic feedback from a Partnership Participant
“The support I received from LEAP was brilliant. I’m just in a lot of energy debt and can’t get any support as I work full time and don’t receive any benefits and currently pay via direct debit”.
If you would like to enquiry about a LEAP visit, then please email the Energy Team or call them on 01978 757 524.
A Similar Scheme called ‘Green Doctor’ is run across the UK by other Groundwork Trusts. Green Doctor began as a single project in Leicester 20 years ago is now a national service which last year saw Groundwork as a whole visiting more than 15,000 homes and helping more than 50,000 people.
Graham Duxbury Groundwork’s UK Chief Executive said
“Groundwork’s Green Doctors have never been in more demand and the services they provide have never been more vital. Day in day out they visit people in their homes to provide practical advice on how to keep warm, how to manage debt and how to get additional help.”
The Green Doctor scheme is supported by UK Rapper Prof Green aka Stephen Manderson who commented that the Energy support is
“Support I wish my Nan could have access when she was bringing me up on a council estate in East London.”
Hear what else he has to say HERE.
This winter, LEAP Energy Support is working alongside Groundwork UK's Green Doctors to provide vital assistance to households facing energy challenges. A commitment to community support, tackling energy poverty, and ensuring every household can stay warm and comfortable this winter.
You can find more Energy Saving hints and tips HERE.