As part of our commitment to reducing food waste and promoting sustainable living, Refurbs are excited to announce the launch of our new cooking workshops on Stop Food Waste Day.


The workshops will focus on teaching participants how to make tasty meals using ingredients that are commonly thrown away. The goal is to inspire participants to get creative in the kitchen and reduce their food waste by using up what they already have.

The Cooking Workshops will cover a variety of topics, including how to make the most of leftovers, how to utilise wilted or overripe produce and how to transform ingredients that are past their prime. Participants will also learn tips and tricks for meal planning, food shopping, and storing food to minimise waste.

“We believe that everyone can play a part in reducing food waste, and these workshops are a great way to empower people to do just that,” says Katy Turner, Café and Conference Manager. “We hope that the cooking workshops and community meals will inspire individuals and families to take action and make a positive impact on our community.”

In addition to the workshops, we want to remind the community about the existing Community Fridge at Refurbs Flint. The fridge is a safe and accessible space where people can receive food items from local businesses that would have otherwise gone to waste.

“The Community Fridge is a great example of how we can come together to reduce food waste and support each other,” said Amy Cleary, Operations Manager at Refurbs Flint. “I’m most looking forward to the cooking workshops because by learning how to make the most of the food we have, we can reduce our impact on the environment and save money in the process.”

The Cooking Workshops and Community Meals will take place on a Wednesday afternoon each month at 3pm. Please see below for dates. Each workshop will last approximately one hour and will include hands-on cooking instruction, recipe demonstrations, and plenty of opportunities for participants to ask questions and share their own tips and experiences.

Booking for the workshops is now open and can be done by getting in touch with Hanna Clarke on 01978 757524 or emailing .Space is limited, so we encourage interested individuals to sign up early to secure their spot.

These free sessions are thanks to funding from Hubbub, an award-winning environmental organisation encouraging positive action for the environment.