Funder: Adult Community Learning North East Wales

Wood shed

The Wood Shed Project offers a friendly, relaxed and supportive environment where people can get together to learn new skills, practice old ones, and make items for sale. Activities include repairing furniture, creating small wooden craft pieces such as planters and bird boxes for resale, and joining in various expert craft workshops.

As well as working on meaningful tasks that benefit the environment and the local community, the participants improve their emotional and mental well-being through
spending time with others who have shared their experiences.

“I enjoy coming to the Wood Shed because I live alone, and I am able to socialise and meet new people. I have previously worked for over 40 years, and it gives me the opportunity to learn new skills and develop my existing ones. I could not access formal learning, such as a college, due to my age. Attending the Wood Shed gets me out of the house, keeps me busy, and helps share my knowledge and skills.

I have gained knowledge from others and developed my skills. I like to support others and enjoy being with like-minded individuals.”  Tony Watkin