Spending time in nature helps our mental health

Mental Health Awareness Week is being promoted by the Mental Health Foundation from 15th – 21st May and this year their theme is anxiety.

At Wild Ground we know that spending time in nature has a positive impact on our mental health. It can help us feel calmer and less stressed. This can be as simple going for a walk in the woods. Any amount of time doing this is good for us, but to really get the benefit, we need to spend a significant period – maybe an hour or longer – when you can really connect with nature and immerse yourself.

Wild Ground offers a number of different ways to help people get in touch with nature, this ranges from just visiting our nature reserves for a walk or attending our nature sessions, wellbeing events and volunteering opportunities.

We run regular well-being sessions at our nature reserves and on May 23rd at 1.30 pm  we have a woodland well-being session from our Lane End nature reserve with a mindful  well-being walk and craft activities using natural items we have found on our walk.

On June 1st  at 1.30 pm we have an outdoor Yoga session at our Knowle Hill nature reserve with the opportunity to immerse yourself in nature and enjoy a yoga session suitable for all levels .

Wild Ground holds regular weekly outdoor volunteering sessions on Wild Ground reserves where individuals can get involved in these sociable sessions. Thet are an opportunity to meet new people, have fun, and enjoy the natural environment. Volunteers can help wildlife, learn new skills and boost job prospects.

To keep up to date with events and volunteering opportunities at Wild Ground you can visit www.wild-ground.org.uk or look out for Wild Ground on your social media.

If you would like to find out more about any of our projects, please email info@wild-ground.org.uk or call 01978 757524